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Schreibe deine Verluste ab und konzentriere dich auf das, was wirklich zählt! behavioral design Mar 29, 2021

Stell dir vor, du hast Tickets für eine Open-Air-Aufführung deines...

CUT YOUR LOSSES and MOVE ON behavioral design Mar 11, 2021

Imagine you have bought tickets for an open-air show of your favorite cabaret...

Where Is Your Attention? behavioral design Mar 10, 2021

When you look at the internet, the average amount of conscious and...


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Meet your Authors

Sabine Caliskan
CEO of ParP - PeopleAtRightPlace

Sabine is a behavioral design architect, key-note speaker and consultant for organizational transformation, decision making and a new work singer. Her key areas include growth mindset, the fearless organization and shaping a learning and leadership culture for the future. In 2020 her organization has been awarded from HR Tech Outlook among the top 10 companies in the "Top European Leadership Development Company" category creating sustainable impact.

Caglayan Caliskan
Co-Founder of ParP - PeopleAtRightPlace

Çağlayan is a sparring partner, facilitator, co-creator, process designer and urban gardener. He is a former merchant marine captain and has spent many years in leading positions in the banking sector. Having experienced the challenging work frame of being an executive, he co-creates transformation processes for ambitious organizations. As he is fluent in Turkish, German and English he works with local and international companies in all three languages.

Inuta Sert
Behaviour Shaper & Organizational Psychologist @ PARP

Inuta joined our PeopleAtRightPlace team in 2009. She has more than 15 years of experience in supporting people to find their right place, discover their potential and hidden limitations. She has graduated from Psychology department. Even though she loves to dig deep, she does it quickly and rather focuses on how to immediately improve today.

Gizem Kaya
Behaviour Shaper & Organizational Psychologist @ PARP

Gizem joined our PeopleAtRightPlace team in 2014. She has graduated from Psychological Counseling department. With her deep knowledge of human mind and behavior, she is our expert of evaluation and development of potentials and a brilliant DNA-Coach of our Uniqueness Discovery Journey. She is kind, careful and stays calm – even in most hectic situations.

Ezgi Kayaardi
Behaviour Shaper & Organizational Psychologist @ PARP

Ezgi joined our PeopleAtRightPlace team in 2019. She is graduated from Psychology department and an expert in psychological analysis, a straight forward DNA-Coach and supports our team all over the globe.

Free Resources

Developing your strength vs. improving your weaknesses

Which one do you think is the best? Take this quiz to help you decide! Do you think it's more worthwhile to invest your focus and time in your strengths or in improving your weaknesses? Find out how you feel about it.


My Career Choice: Job Interview Preparation Checklist

Do you want to make a lasting impression at your job interview? Do you want to be the person who makes the decision for your next career move?

Our free checklist will help you ace your job interview