Power of neuroscience at work
Oct 29, 2020Have you ever worked with people you really get along with, who speak the same “language” as you? What about people who push your patience to the limits and drive you crazy? I am pretty sure that you have experienced both on a daily basis. We very often expect people to behave or think similarly to us. We expect them to listen to us, to think the same way as we do, or even to understand ourselves before we say anything. That would undoubtedly be the best way to work. But it is neither the reality nor the best way.
We all are different and unique in our own ways
From our birth to this very moment everything, like where, when and how we grew up, who our family, friends, teachers are, our social environment, the culture surrounding us and of course our experiences play a decisive role in shaping our personality. All the time we carry an invisible backpack full of beliefs, values, concerns, challenges and desires with us – and we bring it to work too. We interact with both our environment and our perception of others based on what we carry in our backpacks. The environment and culture we live in is just one of the answers to how we become who we are.
On the other hand, modern scientists believe that environment and culture have an influence on our personality to a limited degree. For the remaining part, our biology comes into the picture with reference to genes, hormones, neurotransmitters that also play role in our differences.
We bring all these desires, values, challenges and concerns to work with us and create a diverse environment.
Our whole work is based on the belief that PEOPLE are unique and powerful. We would like to examine your particular contributions, preferences, styles and patterns so that we can connect them with ORGANIZATIONS with which they can go hand in hand on the way to success.
Our main mission is to help repair the damage in organization’s DNA by using scientifically proven methods and create a long-term, sustainable impact and a healthy environment for its people. For achieving this, we consider structure, process and practices of an organization as well as potentials, willingness and barriers of its people.
We have already started to apply the laws of nature and science to remodel the DNA of organizations. The results of our latest research make us so much stronger and give us the opportunity to get the best out of our employees. Thus we are very happy to present our scientifically based personality inventory.
NeuroColor: Neuroscience in the Workplace
For some time now we have been looking for a personality inventory that we can use as an objective tool to deepen our understanding of people, to explore their uniqueness and to make them aware of their own potential and that of others. There are countless options on the market, some are known, some of which we heard about for the first time. However, none of those gave us the feeling “that’s what we are looking for!” and there was always something missing or unsatisfying because of various reasons. We found the right one the day we came across an interview with Dr. Helen Fisher, the inventor of the NeuroColor Temperament Inventory. But why did NeuroColor spark our interest, but not many of the other methods? Let me first mention the main reasons, which will be followed by others.
NeuroColor is ...
- based on modern science: The questionnaire is developed based on a comprehensive examination in current scientific literature of genetics, biology, pharmaceutical, neuroscience and other medical fields. Other tools on the market today are based on theories from the early 1900s and haven’t changed to incorporate the latest findings on the brain and personality.
- validated not only statistically, but also scientifically by using fMRI scans.
- completed by over 16 million people across 40 countries.
- not putting people into categories or labelling them. It is created based on the belief that we all have a “Unique Personality Signature”.
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
What Carl Jung emphasizes as the importance of self-confidence also gives us the answer as to how we can understand others. The deeper we dive into our own behavior, the better we understand others, the more we have more effective interactions and the smoother we can work together. Many problems at work occur because people simply do not understand each other and because they perceive differences of opinion as a threat. We fear to show our true self, to be authentic, because we have learned through experience that this might have negative consequences. This makes us defensive and self-protective all the time. We keep things inside, we do not voice our concerns, feelings, opinions in a healthy way, which leads to an environment with superficial relationships without trust and full of unhealthy, disruptive conflicts.
We want to change this. We know that having trustful relationships at work will have a huge impact in whatever we are doing. It will lead to constructive debates without personalizing issues, it will enable us to be more creative, innovative and effective, because there is nothing else that we have to deal with other than to put all our energy into improving our work and to be aware of the true feelings of each team member to use the diverse skills and values that everyone brings to the team. Long story short, to be a real team.
Let's follow this path. First start with us finding a healthy self-understanding and understanding the real reason behind the basis of our behaviors. Once we find peace with ourselves, we will have a much greater tolerance and patience with others, we will stop making assumptions about them, because we will learn to understand the hard way. We will invest in understanding people, accepting them for who they are, we will be more adaptive and sensitive to their unique characteristics. We will learn to appreciate the diversity between people as the best way to build - or to be a part of - a real team.
Of course there are differences, but if they always stay there, they will get bigger and more complicated. Let’s accept this and turn this into an opportunity altogether. You will be pleasantly surprised to discover how NeuroColor can help you on this challenging journey.