How to rock your next job interview

How to rock your next job interview?

career Apr 29, 2021

In a job interview, you have 60 minutes time to leave a long-lasting impression.

During my 16 years of recruiting experience, most of the time I could tell within the first 5 minutes is applicant a good match for the role and organization or not.

Just to be clear, I never let my expert gut feeling determine the outcome – I spent the next hour or more, if needed, collecting proof for or against it.

Why am I telling this?

I want to support you to switch your mindset.

A job interview is not an exam. It`s not something to pass or fail. It`s not a place where to gain likes from a recruiter or prove your skills.

We have the same goal – I and you – both of us want to have a good match. You – a job you love and can succeed, and me - an applicant who fits for the position and organization to reach its goals.

So, here is my best advice for you.

1️⃣      Be prepared.

Think of the stories which best represent your personality, skills, and achievements. Think of what motivates you. Recruiters would ask you behavioral questions, as it`s the fastest way to get to the core of you.

2️⃣     Be authentic.

Don`t pretend to be someone else, or you will get a job fitting for that someone else. That is one of the things which experienced recruiters can feel immediately – are you being yourself or are you selling yourself to get the job?

3️⃣    Ask questions.

If you don`t know enough about the job and organization, how do you know, is it a good fit for you? How do you know, do you really want it? Make a research before, and during the meeting ask all the open questions you need, to make sure it is the right place for you.

4️⃣     Show your passion.

When you have got your answers and see it as a good match – don`t hold back to show your passion. It`s one of the most crucial factors to get a job. All companies want applicants whose eyes shine for the job they offer!

Here is a checklist of 5 steps to see if you're ready for your next interview. Get your FREE access here: https://www.peopleatrightplace.com/optin-mcc-checklist


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