Programs for
Organizations & Leaders

Team Performance through NeuroScience

Increase your own effectiveness as a leader & your team!


Discover a revolutionary new approach to personal and team effectiveness based on neuroanalytical science! Using the power of neuroscience and neuroanalysis, fully understand unique neurobiological traits and then turn them into success - for both you and your team members!

Diagnose yourself, your team, and your company with the world's only empirically-based personality study validated with both statistical and biological methods. Take advantage of the ground-breaking discoveries of recognized researchers and experts to consciously manage work and communication, build effective teams as well as a 21st-century organizational culture! Use the possibilities of neuroanalytics and increase your own, team, and company effectiveness!

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Neuroanalysis allows you to get maximum benefits for both individually and as a team
  • Recognize the factors that motivate team members and use them in their daily work so that they can work faster and achieve better results at the same time.
  • Communicate better with team members: understand their reactions, needs, and motivations, increase their commitment and ensure their satisfactory development.
  • Get to know exactly how our body behaves in stressful situations and effectively become resistant to them.
  • Better match the person on the team to specific roles and tasks, thereby increasing the effectiveness of individual and teamwork, achievement of objectives and results.
Diagnose yourself, your team and the entire organization with the help of NeuroScience if you...
  • want to prevent conflict and eliminate problems in teams and across the organization - especially those related to increased employee turnover or absenteeism, emerging conflicts, missed or untimely tasks, lack of motivation, declining quality of service, and consequently declining profits.
  • want to fully understand the motivators and factors that cause stress - both your own and those of your colleagues - in order to achieve the full potential of shared opportunities in any situation.
  • are striving to communicate better with your colleagues and motivate them more effectively.
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Fields of application

Team icon


Utilize science to improve communication + effectiveness

Leadership icon


Train excellent leaders using neuroscientific methods

Diversity + Inclusion icon


Leverage wisdom + ideas from new cognitive perspectives

Sales + Influencing icon


Take a scientific approach to persuasion

Development + Coaching icon


Take a scientific approach to persuasion

Innovation icon


Take a proven scientific approach to the often haphazard process of innovating

Dr. Fisher's inventory image

Dr. Fisher’s inventory has now been taken by more than 16 million people in 40 countries. Dr. Fisher’s questionnaire measures the degree to which the brain expresses the traits associated with each of the four systems. The neuroscience behind her research, the traits she identified, and the questions in the inventory are applicable across all human interactions - including the workplace.

Neuroanalytical icon

Discover a revolutionary new approach to personal and team effectiveness based on neuroanalytical science.

Increase your own effectiveness as a leader!


  • Recognize your team's motivational factors to achieve better results
  • Prevent conflicts and eliminate problems
  • Lower employee turnover by increasing commitment
  • Increase effectiveness of employees
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